Ginny Bridle has an exceptional gift -- a beautiful, powerful voice. Her music is uplifting and inspiring. Pure delight. But what makes Ginny's singing so special is the intense love she has for Jesus which resounds in every note. Ginny has generously shared her talent with our ministry over in France and blessed many with her songs.
Janey DeMeo, France – Missionary & Author
Ginny Bridle has been one of the most consistently joy-filled people I know and her steadfast faith is authentically communicated through every song, every story, and every interaction one has with her. Over the years, God has touched countless lives through her surrendered heart as she uses her voice to sooth the souls of the weary and point them to the hope they need - Jesus Christ.
Kellen Jones – Worship Pastor, The Peoples Church, Toronto, Canada
As Ginny and Terry Bridle conduct their decades-old ministry, they present a wealth of experience and spiritual depth, which shines through in the activities they do.
When Ginny sings, she exudes an enviable joy – undoubtedly the joy of The Lord. Her soothing voice compels one to listen, and her unique presentation conveys the powerful message of God’s love, as only she can. Her previous recordings deserve a place in the archives of great gospel classics, and the most recent is simply a blend of superb vocals and amazing musicianship.
Not only is Terry a respected preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ, but he is an effective leader of their ministry which, in part, provides for the needs of Gypsy children in Romania.
In our travels, I have heard her sing, I have heard him preach. I have witnessed their service and interactions with both ministering partners and recipients of their mission, at home (in Canada) and in Europe. And, through the years, I have witnessed God’s blessings on their lives amidst hardships and setbacks; and I have seen them persevere through adversity. Theirs, I believe, are hearts of ministry - hearts of service. And I am truly convinced that God is not through with them yet.
Elvis Boddie – Toronto Mass Choir Assistant Director, Songwriter
We love Ginny's singing. We know her since many years and her singing was and is a blessing not only for us, but for many Polish people.
She has strong, dynamic, expressive voice. She likes to laugh, she loves the Lord and loves singing for Him. We are so happy that she recorded new CD and we cannot wait to listen to it. Be blessed.
Czarek & Jola Wojtasik, Pastor, Poland
Terry and Ginny have been among our dear friends probably shortly after we got married in 1993, they were crucial in bringing us to the ministry (Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames), and training us to become directors.
We learned a lot from them, in some ways we felt like their children - even lived with them in the same house for some time, we also travelled together a lot :). God gave Ginny a beautiful voice and it was our privilege to listen to her concerts here in Europe and on CDs. She has always sung for the Lord and it was very obvious every time we heard her sing. We thank God for Terry and Ginny and we believe that Ginny's new recording will bring a blessing to many.
Lidia & Pawel Nowakowscy, ‘Heaven’s Gates & Hell’s Flames’ missionaries – Poland
"Ginny Bridle is an incredibly powerful and anointed singer. It has been our privilege to have ministered with Ginny for over 13 years as part of the Toronto Mass Choir however her reputation as a beloved member of Canada’s faith community and her contributions through her many albums and countless performances, both at home and abroad, have solidified Ginny’s place in the hearts of lovers of excellent Christian music.
Ginny not only has a bubbly personality but also the ability to engage her audiences with her clear and sensitive testimony accompanied by her passionate and seasoned mezzo voice. It is very evident that Ginny loves to serve the Lord through music ministry and she is a truly gifted communicator.
What more could you ask for in a minister of the gospel? An engaging style?
A powerful testimony and a heart that truly loves Jesus? Ginny Bridle has these and more.
We wholeheartedly stand behind Ginny and her husband and ministry partner, Terry Bridle as they continue sharing the love of Jesus through great music.”
Karen and Oswald Burke, Directors & Co-Founders, Toronto Mass Choir
Terry and Ginny Bridle have wide experience across North America and Europe, Ginny as a powerful singer, and Terry as a brilliant organiser and story teller. It has always been a delight for me to work with them. Apart from Canada Terry and I have travelled in several European countries together. They are both great hearted people.
Charles Price – Minister At Large, The Peoples Church, Toronto
I met Terry and Ginny many years ago when they came to Poland the first time. We loved their ministry and open hearts and dedication to serve people. When they came to Poland the first time, our country was still under the Communist regime and we were limited in many ways. We could not hold any religious meetings outside our churches, but we could get permission to organize music concerts in cultural centers so we asked Ginny to give a gospel concert. It was very well received and opened the doors for us to get permission to use such public places for evangelistic meetings in the future.
Then Terry and Ginny offered to bring a team from England and USA to present for the first time the "Heavens' Gates and Hell's Flames" drama. Together with our young people we presented this drama in several places in Poland and it was such a big success that together with the directors of this drama from Canada we decided that we need such evangelistic team full time in Poland. Terry and Ginny trained our Polish team and became directors of this drama in Europe. It brought wonderful results in Poland and some other European countries and many thousands of souls were saved.
Ginny's singing was a special blessing everywhere she was invited and we thank the Lord that she uses the gift from the Lord to bless so many people everywhere.
Terry was always a good organizer, very good observer and willing to learn in every situation which was so appreciated in a foreign country, and he was also a very good preacher.
We love them and pray that the Lord will continue to use them in their gifts for His glory wherever He leads them. They will always have a special place in our hearts.
Pawel Cieslar – Pastor, Poland
We have known Terry and Ginny Bridle since the nineteen eighties. At that time, we were ministering in a tent mission in Romsey in the south of England. Terry was organizing the sound and Ginny was ministering in song. We struck up an immediate friendship. To meet such a dedicated couple was such a wonderful blessing for us. Ginny's singing is powerful and anointed, and is truly a ministry in itself.
Terry and I (David) travelled into Eastern Europe, I think it was a couple of times, on ministry trips together. It was thrilling to see the fruit of Terry and Ginny's ministry over there as a result of several years of ministry. I can wholeheartedly recommend them and their ministry.
David and Gillian Nellist, Evangelists, Scarborough, England.
"Having known Terry and Ginny for many years (Terry and I go back nearly 50 years …. WOW!!), and worked with them on several ministry and music projects during that time, I can thoroughly commend Ginny’s singing and ministry. Ginny combines the desire for genuine artistic integrity with a joyful and heartfelt sincerity which connects powerfully with listeners, audiences, and congregations wherever she sings."
John Daniels – Songwriter, Composer, Producer – Texas, USA
Ginny's empathy makes her songs a part of her own heart's light.
We are not much into music and singing, but we always go into a high resonance with a sincere heart message of her singing. This effect is priceless.
Terry's methods of ministry have always been deeply native.
He is always consistent with the context of other countries and cultures.
This skill only seems simple and secular, in fact it requires a profound humility, and knowledge of God, and an authentic love for people
His wit and sense of humor is always our source of comfort and joy
We remember you always, and, dear Terry, with the years we realise more and more how patient you were with us, how much trust you have , how smart you are and what a blessings were the years of co-working.
Lara & Vova – HG & HF Missionaries, St.Petersburg, Russia
We have been truly blessed and inspired for many years, not only by Ginny's musical talent which is next to none, but especially by her effervescent, penetrating devotion to Jesus Christ for whom she lives to serve; allowing The Holy Spirit to Glorify God through her beautiful singing voice.
It is with absolute confidence we recommend this inspirational album Come Home to be a great blessing to All who hear it.
Tom & Rachel Dale – Waterlooville, UK
We have know Ginny for about 20 years
Her anointed singing has ministered to us every time we hear her voice.
She is not only a great singer but prayerfully presents her message in song.
Allan Grubb – Co-Founder HGHF, Canada
"It has been such a pleasure to see the development of Ginny’s new recording; my wife and I have had the privilege of listening to tracks while in their developmental stage. Ginny’s years of experience as a singer comes through beautifully and with her unique style and unmistakeable voice, the lyrics penetrate the emotions and carries the listener with the song. I highly recommend that this new recording be acquired, you will be blessed. In addition to this new release from Ginny comes the launch of Terry and Ginny’s ‘My Generation’ Ministry. This new and exciting Ministry will reach those who can so easily be forgotten but are as much in need of the Gospel as everybody else who as yet does not know Christ as their Saviour."
Dr. Ray Cradock – The Pario Group, UK
I met Ginny and Terry for the first time in 2008, in Poland. They organized mission trip for Toronto Mass Choir for about 35 members (!!!) and 2 weeks in our country. Their upcoming was an incredible and powerful experiance for us, and it, for me. I am Gospel Joy director, leading gospel choir, when not everyone is saved, many are interested to hear and see God in other people's lives. What we saw, was something we've never experienced earlier. Poland, as a traditional catholic country is quite open for God and His message, but in the same time, people feel, they must not talk about Jesus to others, as it is their private thing.
We saw Terry and Ginny doing awesome job bringing this bunch of people, who pray out loud, share their testimonies, talk about Jesus as their saviour and lord ALL THE TIME. We truly couldn't believe, one can be like them. They have impressed us with their faith, openness to talk about God to everyone with such joy, easyness and passion.
Gospel Joy has never been the same since. The first thing we started to do, when our guests left, is devotionals, praying loud during rehearsals.
We opened so much, we wanted to be like them.
We have received from Ginny all love she has. She is a beautifull lady, everyone falls in love. She's been like our Mamma, when she was here, and than when we, after 7 years, went to Canada. She's a true God's woman, with her warmth, open heart and the most beautiful smile we have ever seen :))).
We received so much from Terry, at first... we must admit - we were soooo scared of :))). Everyone in the choir knew "never come late, otherwise you will regret badly". What we saw later, was a sweet and soft heart, so hot for God!!! Terry, with his organisation skills, has arranged so much, so we could feel, hear and see other believers lives and testimonies, we woudn't expect.
After having received so much, we grew to the point, where we felt, we want to go on our first mission trip. Here comes Terry and Ginny again!!! TMC was going to Romania, and after receiving invitation from Terry, we were so happy to do the same. That was our first mission trip, we have ever did. Later, we did another mission trip to Tcheck Republic.
In 2016, we were given again great possibility from Terry and Ginny, to go for a mission trip to Canada. Again... it just blew our minds!!!! All the love and attitude we received, we'd never expect. We had a privilege to sing and share in 14 (???) different churches around Toronto. We were there on mission, but we received much more.
At the end Ginny and Terry have adopted us, saying, we are their new kids :))).
How may someone not love them both?
Terry and Ginny, you both were and still are like a fire for us!!! An incentive to love Jesus more and more each day. THANK YOU!!!
Agnieszka Górska-Tomaszewska [BACA] – Founder & Director, Gospel Joy Choir, Poland
If there's one person in the world who I can truly say exudes the joy of the Lord, it is Ginny Bridle. Ginny's heart smiles when she sings. Her voice is like a velvet rose blooming with the fragrance of God's love. It is contagious!
Sharon Ganesh - MissionFest Toronto
Ginny Bridle has a heart of gold and the voice to match. Over the many years I've known her Ginny has never failed to amaze me in the manner in which she conducts for ministry. She is as delightful on stage as she is in real life.
Warwick Cooper – Men’s Ministry & Care Ministry Pastor, The Peoples Church, Toronto
We have known Terry and Ginny for over thirty years. They have been, and continue to be, tireless servants for Christ focused on bringing God's love, reconciliation, and good news in Christ to people. Ginny's wonderful talent in singing and cheerful demeanor have blessed many over the years all over the world. Terry's skills and experience in organization and communication have resulted in many successful projects and events.
When I think of Terry and Ginny, I think of a couple who are "sold out" to Jesus Christ. They exude the love and compassion of God in all they say and do. They are our heroes and serve to be examples for us in living our Christian life.
I wish them the best as they continue to reinvent themselves in various ministries and directions with one purpose: to make the Name of Jesus famous.
Kathy & Eddie Chu – Ottawa, Canada
“My wife & I have had the pleasure of working along side Terry & Ginny, while leading teams of youth on a few short term mission trips in Eastern Europe.
The combination of Terry’s attention to detail & Ginny’s bubbly personality made for some well organized, fruitful ministry and a lot of fun."
P.S. The girl can sing!
Clark Canning - Associate Pastor, Calvary Pentecostal Church Simcoe, Ontario, Canada
Ginny Bridle is an inspirational music artist and impacts audiences everywhere she ministers. Her song comes from the heart, with passion for God, His Church and people. She walks the talk, she walks the song! Means every word she renders.
To God be the glory, great things He hath done! Ginny, you are very special to God and to all of us here.
Ravi Chandran – Promotions & Donor Relations Manager, Living Truth/The Peoples Church, Toronto, Canada
Ginny Ambrose Bridle
Psalm 104:33 = King James Version:
I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live:
I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
I have known Ginny for over 40 years now, and the above lovely scripture is just one of many that mirrors my dear friend and one of the gifts God has given to her.
When I hear Ginny’s voice, I hear praise…I hear love…I hear a great deal of joy...and I hear compassion. If I need comfort or energy, direction or wisdom, I can find it or be lead to it by immersing myself in her music. Ginny, who I am blessed to call my sister in the Lord, one of my best friends ever, is one of my Champions for Christ!
Let her minister to you and yours, she may be just what you need today!
Shelby Bainey – Annandale, Minnesota, USA
Among many of life's pleasures, two things make me real happy... hearing great music and working with great people. Ginny and Terry provide both.
Combine Ginny's lovely voice and charming personality with Terry's vision and passion for mission, they're a complete package.
Robert Wells - Director of Production, Living Truth TV and Radio, Toronto Canada
Whenever Ginny sings my heart leaps into dance !
Her irrepressible joy bursting from this CD is utterly contagious!!
Jody Kilpatrick – Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada
The story of Terry and Ginny Bridle is one of a series of exploits in uncommon commitment and enduring faith. Decades of exemplary dedication to the work of the gospel, and many years of experience as a performing artist, lend again an authenticity to Ginny's latest album. "Hear Our Praises" offers an uplifting and captivating experience in worship. Christ will be exalted in your vision as you listen.
Reg Andrews – Seniors & Visitation Pastor, The Peoples Church, Toronto, Canada
Whenever I think of you and Ginny the word FAITHFUL pops into my mind, you’ve both been faithfully following the Lord’s leading over all the years I’ve known you. Regardless of what life’s situations, circumstances or struggles have thrown at you, you’ve remained faithful to Jesus as great examples of His love. In all you do whether with Ginny singing or you writing, on mission trips abroad or here at home you are faithful disciples of Christ, its a pleasure to be your friend.
Many blessings, Jude
Jude Hodgson - Communications & Operations Director, ICEJ Canada
“Ginny’s distinctive voice and music have been reaching out and engaging audiences in Canada and around the world for many years. Her love for the Lord, music and the people she sings for, has endeared her to countless fans and friends through decades of wonderful ministry. I had the joy of producing Ginny’s first two solo albums back in the eighties and I look forward to hearing her new, 2016 project. Bring on the music!”
Bruce Stacey – President, Chelsea Road Productions, Canada
"Terry and Ginny have had an enormous impact on our Ministry in Poland.
Their love of God and compassion towards the lost have always been the priority whenever we meet and serve together.
They are truly devoted to the Great Commission and they serve with utmost professionalism. Gospel Joy participated in several mission trips organized by the lovely couple – always astounded by the greatness of their hearts.
Personally I was greatly influenced by the loving kindness that I received form Terry and Ginny and it led me to trust God more and bear more fruit in my walk with Him.
Maria Wojciechowska – Gospel Joy, Poland